MANNA Foodbank Mobile Express is coming to St. Mary’s on Thursday, Aug. 12, from 4:00-7:00 PM. Fresh produce and other food items will be available. Baby diapers and hygiene products while supplies last. Open to everyone – no paperwork, IDs or forms required. For more information call the MANNA helpline at 1-800-820-1109 or the Catholic …
Category: Respect Life
July Respect Life Focus – Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking Human Trafficking is known as the “invisible crime.” North Carolina is ranked among the top 10 states in the nation fornumber of cases. In 2019 alone, there were 385 calls from victims & survivors to the Human TraffickingHot Line. Human Trafficking is defined by the NC DOA as a crime in which people …
Respect Life Baby Bottle Campaign
Save the Change, help save the BABIES! The Respect Life Committee is hosting the Smoky Mountain Pregnancy Care Center Baby Bottle Campaign from Mother’s Day, May 8, to Father’s Day, June 19th. It’s easy to do! Simply take a Baby Bottle from the table in front, throw your spare change in it (or cash, or …
Respect Life April Focus – Domestic Violence
You’re not alone. There is help. It’s not your fault. There is hope. Domestic Violence comes in many forms. It can be physical (beating, hitting, biting for example) verbal(insults, put downs, breaking someone’s self-confidence), or sexual (rape, abuse). No form of violence isacceptable. Many victims feel they have no choice. They’ve been conditioned by the …
Respect Life Focus for March – Euthanasia
Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide, Mercy Killing – no matter what you call it, it does not align to the dignity of the human person. Or God’s Plan. As God’s design, and plan we believe life begins at conception, and continues through to natural death. And every life, has the right to dignity. Euthanasia, Physician Assisted …