We are hoping to get our Small Group Bible Study sessions started again this Fall! It is a great way to grow in your relationship with God and with other parishioners of St. Mary’s.
We are looking for a few more facilitators to lead groups; either “in person” or “virtual” (via Zoom). The ideal group size will be 6-8 people per group if meeting in person or 8-10 if meeting virtually on Zoom.
The first step is to get a finalized list of facilitators and how they wish to hold their studies.
The second step (coming in a few weeks) will be to ask for people to sign up for groups. For those interested in joining a group as a member, be on the lookout for an announcement and sign-up sheet about mid-October! For those who were already in a group and wish to continue with the same facilitator, please let your facilitator know.
If you are interested in being a Small Group Bible Study facilitator (step 1), please contact Brian Raming at drbwraming@gmail.com or contact the parish office at (828) 586-9496.