The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, which this year falls on Feb. 14. We will have multiple opportunities for the faithful to receive blessed ashes both at the parish and on the WCU campus. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence. Liturgy Schedule At St. Mary’s At WCU Stations of the Cross A bilingual …
Holiday Mass Schedule 2023
We invite everyone to join us in our holiday celebrations! Here is our liturgical schedule for the coming weeks. Thanksgiving Day Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Holy Day of obligation Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe NOTE: CHRISTMAS IS ON A MONDAY THIS YEAR – The 4th Sunday of Advent is also Christmas Eve. Both …
Holy Week Schedule 2023
We invite all members of the faithful to join us as we celebrate the Paschal Mystery of the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, this Easter. Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Holy Thursday Good Friday Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence from meat. Holy Saturday The faithful are …
All Saints & All Souls Schedule of Masses 2022
All Saints Day | Tuesday, Nov. 1 November 1 is the Solemnity of All Saints (All Hallows). The vigil is known as All Hallows Eve (Hallowe’en). This great feast celebrates all the unknown saints who are now in heaven. Sanctity is within everyone’s reach; through the Communion of Saints each part of the Mystical Body …
Celebrate Fr. Paul’s 20th Anniversary With Us
We invite our entire parish community to celebrate the 20th priestly ordination anniversary of our pastor, Fr. Paul Asoh, on Saturday, Oct. 22, with a Mass of Thanksgiving at 10:30 AM followed by a reception in the Fellowship Hall. Invitamos a toda nuestra comunidad parroquial a celebrar el vigésimo aniversario de ordenación sacerdotal de nuestro …