Sunday Experience

Whether you are a long-time parishioner, new to the area, or just visiting for a mountain vacation, St. Mary’s invites you to join us in worship and fellowship.

  • Our “Sunday Experience” begins on Saturday evening with a Vigil Mass in Spanish at 7:00pm.
  • On Sunday morning our first Mass is at 8:30am. This Mass is in English, with English music and no incense.
  • Our second Mass is at 11:30am. This Mass is also in English, with Latin and English music. Incense is used at this Mass.
  • Confession is offered before the Masses beginning Saturday at 5:45pm, and Sunday at 7:45am and 10:45am.
  • Typically the rosary is prayed in the church before Mass.
  • Between the Sunday morning Masses join us in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00am for Donuts & Dogma. The pastor (or an occasional guest speaker) leads us in a discussion about various aspects of the faith each week. It’s a wonderful time for adult education and fellowship.
  • On most Sundays, the business office is open for 30 minutes after each Mass for the purpose of registering new parishioners, facility reservations, and scheduling Mass intentions.

College Students:

  • When the Fall and Spring semesters are in session at Western Carolina University, Sunday Mass is offered at 4:00pm at the Catholic Student Center, located at 197 Forest Hills Rd, Cullowhee NC 28723.
  • After Mass, students are invited to join campus minister Deacon Matt Newsome and the pastor for Credo, a Q & A discussion about Catholic theology, morality, and worship.
  • Our campus ministry offers a full range of opportunities for students during the week. You can learn more at