Ash Wednesday Schedule

Liturgy Schedule

Ash Wednesday is March 6, 2019

Blessed Ashes will be distributed at the following liturgies.

@ St. Mary’s

  • Liturgy of the Word at 7:00am (English)
  • Mass at 9:00am (English)
  • Mass at 5:30pm (English)
  • Mass at 7:30pm (Spanish)

@ WCU Campus Ministry

  • Liturgy of the Word at 12:30pm
  • Liturgy of the Word at 5:30pm


Fasting & Penance

The Church calls all the faithful to perform penance, particularly during the season of Lent and all Fridays during the year. This observance should include prayer, charity, and self-denial.

The Church asks those ages 14 and older to abstain from flesh meat on Fridays during Lent and on Ash Wednesday. Fish, as well as sauces and broth made from meat-stock, are permitted.

The Church asks those ages 18-59 to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting allows for one full meal during the day, but does not preclude taking other food if needed, provided it does not equal another full meal (Paenitemini, 1966).

The Church strongly recommends fasting and participation in daily Mass throughout the season of Lent. It is customary to “give up” something during Lent as a personal sacrifice. Our fasting should be accompanied by prayer and works of charity.