We invite all members of the faithful to join us as we celebrate the Paschal Mystery of the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, this Easter. Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Holy Thursday Good Friday Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence from meat. Holy Saturday The faithful are …
Author: Deacon Matthew Newsome
Celebrate Fr. Paul’s 20th Anniversary With Us
We invite our entire parish community to celebrate the 20th priestly ordination anniversary of our pastor, Fr. Paul Asoh, on Saturday, Oct. 22, with a Mass of Thanksgiving at 10:30 AM followed by a reception in the Fellowship Hall. Invitamos a toda nuestra comunidad parroquial a celebrar el vigésimo aniversario de ordenación sacerdotal de nuestro …
Pilgrim Statue of Mary | Aug 7-10
St. Mary’s parishioners will return from the Eucharistic Congress this August with a special guest! A specially commissioned statue of Mary, Mother of God is visiting more than 100 locations across the Diocese of Charlotte during the 50th anniversary year – making a spiritual pilgrimage to visit the faithful across our diocese just as she …
Parish Bus to Eucharistic Congress
You are invited to join us on a trip to Charlotte for the Eucharistic Congress on Saturday, Aug. 6. We have commissioned two buses to provide transportation. If you’d like to reserve space on a bus, here’s what you need to know. COST: $30 per adult FAMILY RATE: $90 for a family of four plus …
July 4th Picnic
You are warmly invited to our parish 4th of July Picnic & Fireworks, Monday, July 4, at 7:00 PM. Share fun, food and fellowship with us, while enjoying a great view of the town fireworks display from our church. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided by the Knights of Columbus. Sign up in the …