Important Reminders for Receiving Communion this Sunday

  • All those who plan to participate in Mass from the parking lot this Saturday evening (7:00 pm) or Sunday morning (11:30 am) must sign up in advance via this SignUp Genius link to ensure space.
  • Please remain in your car until you are directed by the usher to exit your vehicle for Holy Communion. Remember masks or face coverings are required. Please wear your masks from the car until you return with the exception of receiving Communion.
  • Do not exit your car once you arrive. The building will not be accessible at any point other than for reception of Holy Communion when directed in by an usher.
  • Please only roll down the driver’s side window of the car, no more than 1/4 of the way down.
  • Please leave any notes for Fr. Coleman and/or Susie as well as your offertory envelopes in the basket when going to Communion. Fr. Coleman, clergy and staff will not be available for anything extra. If you need assistance, please motion for an usher but remain in your car. If you need to speak with clergy or staff about other matters, please contact the office to schedule an appointment.
  • Please do not visit with one another by getting out of your car or by rolling down passenger side windows. We understand that we all miss each other but please follow all directives given either by myself, the deacons, ushers or staff so that we may continue to have this available for our community.
  • Please exit the parking lot when asked by the ushers. Unfortunately, right now is not a time for us to be able to stay and gather in the parking lot after Mass to socialize.

We ask for your continued patience and cooperation as we want to provide the best practices in creating as safe an environment as possible so that we can continue offering Mass in this way for you and our parish family. Thank you.

Pax Christi,

Fr. Coleman