From our Pastor:
Prayer and Sacrifice: Eucharistic Holy Hour of Reparation Novena
9 consecutive Mondays | 8/27-10/22 | 6:00-7:00pm
Our Lord responded to His disciples at the bottom of Mt. Tabor after the Transfiguration when they struggled to cast a demon out of an epileptic boy. “His disciples asked him in private, “Why could we not drive it out?” He said to them, “This kind can only come out through prayer and fasting.”(Mk 9:28-29). The Church Fathers have always understood this to mean prayer and penance/sacrifice. As I mentioned in my homily Sunday 8/19 our response in this time of crisis in the Church should be to draw near to our Lord in the Eucharist and offer penance for the reparation of our own sins and most especially the grievous sins of priests and bishops in our Church.
Beginning this Monday, August 27th from 6-7pm I will be leading a Holy Hour of Reparation Novena on nine consecutive Mondays ending on Monday October 22nd the Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II. I encourage anyone who would like to attend to join us for these times of prayer and penance, to pray for our clergy and Church.