Join us for these adult education & formation opportunities
Into the Desert: A Lenten Study on Prayer
Every Thursday during Lent through April 9 from 6:00-7:30 pm
“Our Lord teaches that prayer is a relationship and vital necessity. And yet, many of us have difficulty committing to daily prayer. Follow Jesus into the desert this Lent and discover intimacy with God in this 6-week video based study”. Videos are 25-30 minutes. We will then talk about challenges we face to increasing our prayer life and support each other to overcome these difficulties and put what we have learned to practice.
Lent & Easter: The Perfect Time for Communion and Community
Three Different Opportunities:
- Tuesday March 24th – 6:00-7:30 pm
- Thursday March 26th – 10:00-11:30 pm
- Sunday March 29th – 10:00-11:15 am (during “Donuts and Dogma” time)
(NOTE: The same presentation is being offered three times; it is only necessary to attend one of the three sessions).
The Mass is the pinnacle celebration of our faith. But if you are only attending St. Mary’s on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, you are missing out on so many gifts that Jesus wants to bestow upon you; gifts found in charity and community. So… what is in it for me? How will being active with St. Mary’s Mother of God bring me closer to God and to others? Come hear about not only the great things that our Parish continues to be blessed with through the incredible work of our Pastor, but also how taking advantage of sharing time and talents with others has brought a lost sheep back to the flock and closer to God.
For more information on either program please contact Dr. Brian Raming at